Sunday, January 29, 2006

Got the Pictures Working Again!

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-01-28

Hmmm... It would seem my computer isn't allowing me to add pictures to this post. Well, here's the text, and I'll get working on the picture problem.

Long time no hear from, ay?? =)

Okay, so first things first - I have to state the obvious... hell has frozen over. (no, not because I finally wrote an update) =) Actually, I'm referring to the fact that our Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl. Who would've ever guessed? I realize that some of you could care less, but truth be told - I'm excited! I've watched the big game every year since the last year I was on staff at River of Life. Each year the sport that is called "football" (I was born/raised/baptized a baseball guy) has captured more and more of my attention. Now when we watch the game at my dad's house (with a couple of our friends this time - woohoo!) as we've done every year since we moved here, we actually can root for our home team?? Crazy.

Enough about that already. Need I say that things around here have been busy busy busy? This update will be brief, as I really should be studying right now. Yes, right now, at half-past-midnight. It's the best time for studying for me - always has been. =)

So here's a rundown on Miller goings-on:

-Owen currently has croupe and a double ear infection. It's so hard to watch him suffer. He's not used to it, either. When he first started coughing a couple of days ago, he actually would cry (we think it scared him). He's on the mend currently, and other than that, has really been a joy to watch grow up. We feel like we're in totally new territory with him, as he is older than Micah ever was. He turned 18 months old two weeks ago. How time flies!

-Amelia is now two days past 10 weeks old. She's addicted to growing. She's trying to tell us all about what she's thinking, but it is still coming out in coos and garble.

-Jenna, when not having her hands full with O and A, is working out and being in shape. I know I say this often, but she continues to amaze me. She takes care of the wee ones a couple days before my tests so that I can get good studying done. It's paying off so far. I believe that out of the two of us, she has the tougher job (being a mom) - after all, I can go to school to learn how to be a nurse, but there isn't much in the way of getting a Bachelor's in Mommyhood. That's it!! From now on, maybe I should refer to my wife as Jenna Miller, BPM (Bachelor's of Parenting in Mommyhood). I like it...

-As for me, well, same-ol in the school department. Study, go to clinical, study, take a test, study... We're back to having a test every week this quarter, but at least it's only on 2 to 4 chapters worth of material and not the 9-12 chapters we had summer qtr. I also had the opportunity to preach a few Sunday's back. A couple of my classmates came to support me - I was THRILLED beyond measure!

That about does it for the Miller Family Snapshot. I hope you enjoy the attached pictures - one of Micah, two of Owen (one sick, one a lil bit happier), and two of Amelia (showing off her new-found smile and lost in a sea of carpet).

I'm glad the Bible says, " anxious for nothing, except to watch the Seahawks in the Super Bowl." Only one more week.....

Until then, may Jesus bless you and yours! As always, feel free to drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you. (I actually should be able to send pics to the blog again - just been too busy for my own good) =)

In His Love,

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A

Look our family up at