Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter from the Millers

Happy Easter!!

We hope you and yours have had a beautiful and blessed holiday. Hope you enjoy the attached picture of O, A and baby.

By the way, two of the four "April Fools jokes" in the last update were not jokes at all. More info to come when I get flipped back to my day schedule... =)

One more thing: Jenna has a myspace page! I'm quite proud of her, as she did it alllll on her own, with no help from me. It's her first foray into the world of blogs/personal webpages/etc.

Much Love,
Eric and the Fam

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O, A and ?
Look our family up at www.millerlights.blogspot.com
"They have Easter egg hunts in Philadelphia, and if the kids don't find the eggs, they get booed."
-Bob Uecker

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Miller Family Snapshot 2007-03-05

No really, we haven't disappeared...

Hi friends and family. It has been quite the hectic month here in the Miller household. I'd love to go into details, but I'll spare you the agony of reading seven chapters of our life story - at least for now. =)

Instead, consider this a Miller Family Update warm-up. There are a couple of things I've meant to share for some time, but have not made the time to do so.

You will find attached a picture of the newest addition to the Miller fam. This ultrasound was actually done early Feb. We have another scheduled at the end of this month. We are still holding true to not finding out the gender of the baby. How "old-fashioned"! =)

I have also attached pictures of Jenna's completed Christmas gift - the cross-stitch of Micah. Those who know me well enough know I love crunching numbers, and coming up with odd facts. So here goes:

- The picture consists of 148 x 118 stitches (a "stitch" is one "x" on the cross-stitch). That is a total of 17,464 stitches.
- I worked on the picture from June 21st of 2006 through January 8th of 2007 (the night before I took my state boards).
- It took an even 200 hours (measured by the quarter-hour) over 6 months and 18 days.
- The program I used to make the print the paper pattern tells you how many centimeters of thread you need for each color. Combined, I used 20,874 centimeters of thread. This is equivalent to 695.8 feet, or almost 90 feet taller than the Space Needle (see attached picture of the Space Needle with the red "thread" I drew in… get it? Space Needle and thread?!)

Please don't take this as bragging about what I did for Jenna. However, do take this as me being a nerd for crunching all those numbers. =)

In other news, all is well with us. I will share more in the next update about how Jenna's doing, how the new job is going, as well as other things that are new with us.

Much love to you all, and many apologies to those who have written us who have not received responses back.

With much love,
The Millers

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Miller Family Snapshot 2007-01-07

Happy New Year!

Hard to believe it is 2007. When we first started nursing school, I never thought this year could get here!! We hope you and yours did something fun as 2007 rolled in, be it partaking in fellowship, partying, or sleeping. =) We certainly did. We stayed up until 4:00 in the morning playing games with some good friends of ours. Ahhh to be young.

This first update of the new year will be brief. I am currently studying for my state board exam. In fact, that is one of two prayer requests we have for you:

1) My state board exam is Tuesday, January 9, at 9:00 a.m. Please pray that I may recall all that I know, that I wouldn't get nervous, and that I would answer questions efficiently and correctly. In fact, please do so for all of my peers, and in particular, the other five of my peers taking it at the same time and day.

2) This pregnancy is making Jenna quite sick. This is the sickest she has been for any of the four pregnancies. Because we've had two boys and a girl, and because none of them have made her so sick, we actually are wondering if she is going to give birth to a cat or a dog. If so, I hope it's a cat. =) Seriously, though - please pray that the sickness will pass. I can't imagine it being too fun for her.

Thank you for your prayers. We'll send another update out when we know the official status of my board exam (probably by the end of the week). In the meantime, we look forward to the adventures that 2007 will bring to our family and yours. Also, hope you enjoy this “Miller Family” picture. May God bless you and keep you!

In His Love,
Seahawk fans despite the obvious

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O, A and ?
Look our family up at www.millerlights.blogspot.com
"I am one of those who would rather sink with faith than swim without it."
-Stanley Baldwin, 12 Oct 1923

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-12-19

What?? Another update 6 days after the last one? Believe it.

Actually, I only want to share two things…

First, a request for prayer. I have scheduled my state board exam. It will be Tuesday, January 9, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. If you happen to think of us that day, please pray that I would face that exam with confidence, and that I will be able to recall over 2 years of knowledge.

Also, and I know this may seem silly, but I just have to share Owen’s new made-up animal. While riding in the car the other night, we were all singing Old McDonald Had a Farm. It was a peculiar farm that night, as we allow Owen to pick the animals for each round. On the farm that night was a dinosaur, an owl, bees, and a light bulb. Anyway, at one point when the animal’s name was to be sung, he said, “Nynosoarowl”. I realized he was saying “Dinosaur Owl”, and made a noise for it (Raawr-hoohoo). Well, it’s one of his favorites now. He loves to share about the dinosaurowl.

Attached are pictures of funny faces, as well as smiles. Also attached is a picture of the study group I’m in. We average about 5 hrs a day practicing nursing questions. Practice makes perfect! (And it helps us learn, too).

As always, hope your days are filled with laughter!

Eric, Jenna, Micah, Owen, Amelia, and Baby

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at www.millerlights.blogspot.com
Locke - "Why do you find it so hard to believe?"
Jack - "Why do you find it so easy?"
Locke - "It's never been easy!"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-12-13

Hello Dear Friends and Family,

Praise reports abound here in Millerville. In no particular order:

-Owen is picking up vocabulary quite quickly now. He still has his own way of saying things, but we (and other people) are beginning to understand him better! His little personality is fun to watch!! The other day I sneezed, and he said, "Bwess Daddy... Bwess Mama... Bwess Sissy... Bwess Onit (Owen)." Too cute!

-Amelia has learned from her brother the fine art of talking as well. She has learned "hi" (her personal favorite), "Daddy", "Papa (which means Mama)", “apple”, “cracker”, "pretty", and "puppy" to name a few. She and Owen really get along, despite having their moments of wanting each other's toys.

-I have officially graduated from nursing!! Graduation was last Friday, and we celebrated all weekend long. I even had the privilege of speaking at our graduation, which packed the gym (estimates of 1000-1100 guests for our 74 graduates).

-I also am pleased to report that I will be a pediatric oncology (cancer) nurse!!! The Lord has given me my dream job! I start as soon as I pass the boards. I must pass the boards the first time however, so if you could pray that God would bless the time I (and my fellow peers) put into studying, that would be appreciated!

-Last, and certainly not least, the news that overshadows all of the above - we're going to have another baby!! God is soooo merciful. We actually found out about the job and the baby within days of graduation. So, needless to say, if what we went through with Micah was "hell week", then this last week was "heaven week"!! One other note... because we have girls and boys stuff, we have decided we are not going to find out what the gender of this baby is until he/she is born. We're really excited about waiting!

That about does it. Sorry it took so long to share all the good news. We have finally upgraded to the world of fast internet, so it took awhile to get everything set straight to email properly again.

We love you all. Thanks again for walking through this journey of life with us. We couldn't ask for better friends and family.

Eric, Jenna, Micah, Owen, Amelia, and Baby

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at www.millerlights.blogspot.com
Locke - "Why do you find it so hard to believe?"
Jack - "Why do you find it so easy?"
Locke - "It's never been easy!"

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Amelia Turns One

Miller Halloweens

Miller Fam 2006

Owen 2004

Miller Fam 2005

Amelia 2006

Micah 2002

Owen 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Family Pictures

These were the first family photos we've been able to get since Owen was 10 months. We had a "free" package deal at Walmart (which NEVER ends up being free, don't ya know?). Once there, we fortunately didn't have to wait, and the kids did sooooooooooo good! As Owen says, that made us very "ah-pee" (happy).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Vacation - Meal Times

Beans, beans - the more you eat...

Here's little Obi-Amelia

Owen's new fascination? Playing Patty-Cake with Mommy.

Who needs food?

Vacation - Park Pics

Micah's Grave

This summer vacation gave us the first opportunity to bring the kids to see Micah's grave. I have to admit it was kind of weird for me. I know Micah's in heaven, but there was just something about having Owen and Amelia at his grave...

Vacation - Pool Fun

Vacation - Who Let the Kids Out?

When our friends came into town for vacation, Owen had a blast playing with someone his own age!

"Sure I have to stand to see over the dash, but this sure beats a stroller!"