Thursday, December 15, 2005

Amelia's First Professional Pics

Here she is at two weeks old...

Miller Family Update 2005-12-14

Hello again to our dear friends and family -

This update will be brief (no really, I'm telling the truth!) - as there is much to be done yet tonight, but there are a couple of important things I wanted to pass on to you all.

First, Amelia was dedicated to the Lord this last Sunday (12/11). We decided it was important to have Owen on stage with us all. We hoped it would all go well, and to tell you the truth - it pretty much did. However, after blowing through 3 animal crackers while on stage, Owen was quite the wiggle worm. As you can see in the attached picture, he had other things on his mind while we prayed for Amelia. It was wonderful, though.

Ironically enough (or divine providence - you decide), the dedication occurred four days before Owen was to turn 17 months old. Micah died exactly four days prior to turning 17 months old. Owen is now officially older than Micah ever was. Funny thing is that we were to dedicate Amelia on the last Sunday in November, but for many reasons, it didn't work out. God is quite amusing, I must say.

Finally (I told you this would be short), we heard from one of the families that received a heart valve from Micah. I can't say much about them, as I haven't asked their permission yet. However, we made phone contact with them today, and we are delighted to communicate with them!! Hopefully we'll be able to share more in the future.

I hope you enjoyed this brief update. Don't expect such small updates in the future, though... =) We also hope you enjoy the pics of Amelia (they were done at Kiddie Kandids when she was two weeks old). Also attached is a picture of Owen and his first Christmas present of the season.

We pray you and yours have a Merry Christmas and an enriching holiday season.

In His Love,

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Lil A and Not-so-Lil O

Owen's Second Trip Out

These are from tonight - about an hour ago. We're supposed to receive 8-12 inches tonight!

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...'s lil Sister, still quite small.

Owen Out in the First Snow

These are from Tuesday (Nov 29)