Monday, May 08, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-05-07

Micah - 5 months

Owen - 5 months

Amelia - 5 months

Don't worry - this one is brief. =)

I simply want to thank everyone who prayed for me during my exam. As of today, I am now Eric Miller, LPN. To God be allllllll the praise!!

Everyone's prayers definitely helped. After being somewhat nervous throughout last week, when it came time to test Friday morning, I was as calm as could be, thanks to you. For the NCLEX-PN exam, I was to have a minimum of 85 questions, and a maximum of 205 questions. When I answered number 85, and it rolled over to 86, I thought, "Oh great, pitch a tent - I'm going to be here for awhile". That was almost an hour-and-a-half into it already. Fortunately, I only had to answer 92 questions.

Thanks again for your prayers and support as we continue to work toward the reason why we came out here - for me to be an RN. Jenna has been so supportive, and I know I wouldn't make it without her! Same goes for your support, prayers, and encouragement, and of course Jesus Himself.

As an added bonus to this little update, in honor of Amelia being 5 months old, I've attached pics of all three kids at that age. Enjoy!

In His Love,
Eric (and the rest of our brood)

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at
"We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories, and those that carry us forward are dreams."

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-04-30 (Part 1)

"Micah's" Shovel


Owen's Red Booties

Owen the Patient

Sibling Fun (Owen loves to play with this toy when he sees his sister playing with it.)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-04-30 (Part 2)

Belly time

Amelia's first solid food

Good day and God bless.

Here is the latest and greatest going on with us. =)

1) We decided to have tubes put in Owen's ears. He received them last Friday. He hasn't miraculously started talking yet, but we're sure he'll feel much better not having fluid trapped back there.

2) PRAISE REPORT: Owen doesn't have a cyst after all. Dr. Gruber looked at his CT scans and determined that he instead has an enlarged "cisterna magna". The cisterna magna (also called the cisterna cerebellomedullaris) is a space that everyone has between the cerebellum and brainstem. His is simply bigger than average, and doesn't even require monitoring.

3) Amelia can now officially "flip" from back to belly and belly to back. I say “flip” because its not quite a smooth roll yet. She had only picked up the ability to go from belly to back a few days ago. We're glad she did, because she would go from back to belly, then get irritated that she couldn't "undo" what she did. =) One other side note: she has also started solid foods. Namely applesauce. She looooves it.

4) My speaking engagement last week went well. I was able to represent donors and donor families at a ceremony at Sacred Heart Medical Center honoring organ donation. Not only were donors represented, but recipients and staff members were as well. The three of us (technically four - there were two staff members) planted three rose bushes bred especially for this purpose. Praise God for the ability to share Micah's story!

5) Lastly, on Friday I get to take the national LPN exam. If you think about us this week, I would appreciate the prayer for that in particular. It's at 0900 that Friday.

We love you dearly. May Jesus bless you and yours this coming week!!

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at
"We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories, and those that carry us forward are dreams."