Monday, August 28, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-08-28 (Other 3 Pics)

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-08-28 (With 1 Pic)

Hi again,

First, a note about the attached pictures… I’ve attached three pictures. The one of Micah is the one we’ve used and shared the most. I include it because the other day, Amelia was striking a similar pose. It really weirded us out for a moment. The third is a cross-eyed Owen. He’s not holding a kitchen whisk, either – it’s a “hot air balloon” according to him. There are two other cute pictures I posted to our website/blog/whatever (link at the bottom of the page, of course). I didn’t want to bog email down, but simply had to include them somehow. One is of Owen and Amelia having a great time, and the other is Owen watching Micah on TV (we were watching footage of him because we passed the 3-year anniversary of the accident four days ago). Hope you enjoy! Now, on to the regular part of the update (hee-hee):

We Millers are a happy bunch these days. I have finished working my 52-hr week for the duration of my summer break, so I have three full weeks with the family with NO commitments - work or school. LOVE IT! Jenna is coming back from Montana today (Monday), where she spent the weekend relaxing. She needed time away from the kiddos (don't know why - she's only been taking care of them almost by herself for the last two months!) - so I stayed with the troops while she went off for a weekend of relaxation. We both had a blast (she with her friend, and me with the kids).

We also have a couple of friends coming into town from both east and west - Montana and the Seattle area - for a few days of crazy mayhem (however much mayhem we can get into with little ones running around). =) This after a visit from a very good friend of mine who I grew up with since elementary school, who is now married with two children, living in Boise.

Again I say, "LOVE IT!"

Other than that, there is nothing much new to report. Owen has added "VeggieTales", "Little Einstiens", and "Thank You" (verbalizing in addition to doing the sign language he already knew) to his repertoire. He is also up to 2 ounces of milk a day without any reactions.

Amelia, well, is simply as cute as ever. We found out she is not allergic to ANYTHING food-related - praise God! So we're pretty excited, giving her yogurt, milk, cheese, eggs, WHATEVER! (Ahhh, the simple things in life.)

That about does it. Hope and pray you and yours are dong well. Feel free to drop us a line if you have the time.

Until next time,

The Millers About to Get Vacation-Drunk (Intoxicated by F-U-N!!)

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at
We said to our parents, "You grew up in such a black-and-white world!" Our children will say to us, "You grew up in such an analog world!" Jesus probably says to us, "You ALL grew up in such a simple 3-dimentional world. Wait 'til you see what's in store for you!"

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Amelia Turns 9 Months Old

Hello again...

I realize I've sent pictures often as of late. I suppose I'm making up for lost time. =)

In honor of Amelia turning 9 months old yesterday, attached are, you guessed it, pictures of all three kids at about 9 months old.


The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at
"We're what Willis was talkin' about."

Friday, August 18, 2006

Owen Pics (2006-08-17)

Hi y'all,

I know it has only been a few days since our last update. However, we all took a road trip yesterday to visit Ggma Davenport, and I happened to snap a few cute pics of Owen.

No real news to report, other than my ONE-MONTH RELEASE from prison! Oh, I mean school. =) Also, the kids had their 2-yr and 9-mo well-checks with their doctor today, and both are doing very well. Amelia even had her blood drawn, and barely cried! (The only reason she cried was because I was restraining her arms.) She did so good.

Hope you have an enjoyable weekend!!

In His Love,
The 5M's

P.S. On a side note, tomorrow I begin a full week of working nights. So, as I write this, it is 11:20 p.m. on Thursday night. I've been up all day (like a "normal" person), and gotta stay up until 7:00 a.m. Fun, fun, fun!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-08-12 Text

Hello again dear friends and family,

We hope this letter finds you and yours doing well.

We had quite the eventful week in regards to Owen and Amelia conquering some more milestones:

Amelia's first tooth broke out yesterday (Fri, Aug 11). We can't see it yet, but when Jenna was feeling her gums, she noticed it. Our baby girl is growing so fast!

Owen said his first three-word sentence Wednesday. He said, "Bye-bye boo ting." (Bye-bye blue swing.) He said it as we left the park, putting all the words together himself.

Owen also had his annual allergy check-up and testing. Praise be to God, according to his test results, he is no longer officially allergic to milk products! According to his doctor's advice, we are now "testing" dairy products on him. In the last four days, he's had cheddar cheese, string cheese, and a combined 30 bites of (dare I say) yogurt. To refresh your memory, when we last gave him yogurt (6 bites at the age of 7 months), we had to go to the ER. I've attached a couple of pictures of that little adventure. However, the worst reaction he has had with the food in the last four days was 2 tiny bumps. Again I say, PRAISE GOD!!

As if that weren't good enough news, he is also practically not allergic to eggs anymore (according to his results). So, after about 2-3 months of progressively working him to an 8-ounce glass of 2% milk, we will be able to introduce eggs into his diet via pasta, cookies, etc. If he can handle the egg challenges, he will be free to eat almost any food! He is still severely allergic to peanuts, but instead of being tested at 15.0 like last year, he is now down to 5.7. Such great news for Owen!

That's about it from our neck of the woods for now. I'm in the midst of studying for two finals on Monday. After that, I have a clinical evaluation to attend on Tuesday, and then I am FREEEEEEEEEEEE to be with Jenna and the kids!!!

It was good to hear from those who wrote us after the last update. I look forward to being able to write you back when my life is my own again (at least for a month anyway).

We love you all. Have an incredible week!

In His Love,

Eric, Jenna, Miller-representation-in-Heaven-boy, No-more-allergy-boy, and Teething-girl

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-08-12 Pictures

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-07-31

Wow... long time no type, ay? =)

You would think I'd make up for lost time by going on and on about our life and what's new. Well, that's not going to happen. School still owns me, and it's time to get some shut-eye. I'll keep this email short, talking mostly about the kids. Just know that we are surviving 100-degree weather, school is going well (almost over, difficult as all get-out, but worth it), my new job is going well, and Jenna is splendito-bandito. With that covered, here's the kids:

Owen has now graduated to two-word sentences. Among them include, "Oh NO, balloon!", "More milk", and my personal favorite, "Bye-bye Dee (Daddy)". He also loves yai-yai's (butterflys, pronounced with long "I" sounds). He turned two on July 15th. His party went well. Pictures of the party will be sent eventually. =)

Amelia is crawling around where she pleases. She is also now pulling herself up to things. You'd think that the baby milestones would lose a bit of their luster with each successive child, but that's not the case! We also pierced her ears (you can see them in the attached pic).

We love you all, and when I'm not drowning in a sea of books and paperwork, we'll write more.

May God bless you and yours in the coming weeks!!

Eric, Jenna, Obens and Mee-Mee

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at
"We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories, and those that carry us forward are dreams."