Thursday, April 20, 2006

Miller Family Snapshot 2006-04-16

My new bowling ball

That trademark grin

Owen and Micah

Amelia - almost 5 mos

Owen - 21 mos

Miller Family - Easter 2006
Wow, I really have a lot to catch you up on, don't I? Well, let's get on with it, and see if I can't do this briefly so as to not bore you all. =)

First off, and most importantly: HAPPY EASTER!

The last true update I sent was on Feb 14th (yikes!). In that update, I told you about how I failed a nursing exam for the first time ever. Well, things didn't get better from there. I failed the following test too. Out of 60 students, 3 people passed the first, 2 people passed the second, and none of them were the same people! Needless to say, our class was not too happy. I had to wear my "student rep" hat that I was elected into back in the first quarter. I spoke with the instructor in person, then had to go to the Nursing Dept. Head. I didn't end up having to go to the dean, and I'm pretty sure that everyone in our class passed when all was said and done.

I learned an altogether separate lesson that quarter. With the children being sick for much of it, I took more time than usual to help Jenna and spend time with the family. The end result: a 3.8 overall in the class - the highest grade I've received in nursing school. Hmm... coincidence? I think not.

Other upcoming news about me... I recently paid the $70 for my LPN application, and the $200 required to take the national exam. I should receive word from the testing company within the next couple of weeks regarding when I take the LPN boards. Once I pass that, I'LL ACTUALLY BE A NURSE! Whoa. But the fun continues. We are 2 weeks deep into our 5th quarter - the beginning of the RN road. We have much to do. We've added 20 students to bring our total to 80! Lovin' every minute of it...

I also have the privilege of speaking this coming Thursday. Jenna and I will represent organ donor families. I'll tell you more about it after it has come and gone.

Jenna has been working hard (and working out) to lose weight and get in shape. It has been an exercise in self-control, to say the least! She has done considerably well, and now weighs only .... oh, better not do that. I think it would benefit our marriage (and my life) if I didn't go down that road. =) I really am so proud of her, though!

Owen... wow. Where do I start with him? =) Actually, despite what I'm about to share, he's doing very well. He turned 21 months old Saturday. He's growing like crazy, loves his new "big boy" Hot Wheels toothbrush, and still adores his sister (thank God!). But please pray - for many things. First, to make a long story short, we discovered that Owen has a 2 cm cyst at the base of his brain. Our doctor says its nothing to be concerned about, and that such things can be considered fairly common. He will consult with the best peds neurosurgeon in Spokane (who coincidentally worked on Micah after the accident). Jenna and I are honestly doing quite well with the news - we don't believe it is anything to fear. However, we are praying that Jesus would heal him of the cyst just the same. Also, we have an appointment with an ENT doc tomorrow to discuss the potential for getting tubes for his ears, due to the repeated ear infections he has had. Please pray for wisdom, that we would know what we need to do.

Lil Amelia is fast becoming not-so-lil-Amelia. She turns 5 months old on Tuesday, and has recently discovered her feet. They are her new best friends. She also rolled over from her back to her belly without assistance for the first time this weekend. One might think that with this being the third time through child-rearing for us, that rolling over might not be as exciting. But really, it's just as exciting as it was with Micah and with Owen. What fun it is to count the milestones!!

Well, that about covers it about us for right now. Hope you enjoy the photos (I particularly liked the one of me using my new bowling ball). Thanks again to all who prayed for us during Micah's birthday - we sooooo appreciated it! Until I write again (hopefully sooner next time, but no guarantees - hee hee), may the Lord bless you and yours. We hope your upcoming week makes you a better person (during the good times it will bring, and the bad). Hmm. I almost deleted that last sentence, for fear that you think that we think you're not good people. I just thought it'd better to say something like that rather than "hope your week is a good one!" Because really, if each week doesn't make us better people, what good is it doing? Hope that makes sense. It might be nothing more than "1 a.m. wisdom". =)

Regardless, as always, we'd enjoy hearing from you. In the meantime...

Resting in God's Grace,

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Micah's Birthday

Celebrating Micah's 1st Birthday

Celebrating Micah's 2nd Birthday

Celebrating Micah's 3rd Birthday

Celebrating Micah's 4th Birthday

Owen running off with the balloons.

Our Angel Boy

On Thursday, April 6th, our family celebrated what would have been Micah's 4th birthday. As is our tradition, we let off 4 balloons (one for each year), with a picture of Micah attached to them. On the back of the picture is a brief note describing who Micah was, and it includes our mailing address so that if the picture is found, we might be able to find out where it ended up.

It's hard to believe that a mere 4 years ago, I held my son, Jenna sleeping in the bed beside us, wondering what his future would hold. We still lived in the Seattle area, and I was still employed by our church. We had lived in our "newly bought" townhouse for about two months at that point in time. And the Mariners had just come off of their 116 win season.

Amazing what difference 4 years makes.

Two brief sidenotes: 1) I know God can and will do things as He sees fit, but with that acknowledgement aside, if all else remained the same (as best as possible), and Micah hadn't of died, then Amelia probably wouldn't be here right now. Kinda trips us out to think about things in that way... and 2) we did not use black balloons this year to represent death - I merely figured they would show up better in the sky, and we would be able to track them better and longer than the blue balloons we picked in previous years. In case you were curious. =)

May God be with you and yours! A "true" Miller Family Update will come in about a week or so.

In His Love,

The Miller Fam - E, J, M, O and A
Look our family up at